
Monday, 23 October 2017

the person I most admire

The person I admire the most

My dad is the person I most admire because he is always helping me in hard situations like when I am stuck with my homework he helps me get the answer (not telling me the exact answer). He taught me my multiplication and division I reckon I'll still be in KEA if my dad did not teach me. When I was little I used to play soccer and my dad came to my games to support me. That's why my dad is the BEST DAD EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Kazuya Newman

pancake day writing

We celebrate Pancake day to give up  fridge food for 40 days and eat it all up on 28th of February(which is Pancake day).On Pancake day we burn palm leaves and prayers hoping that the ash will go up to Heaven so God will see that we believe in him.

This celebration is about the beginning of Lent and being more respectful to god the father.The reason why we call this day Ash Wednesday is because the priest blesses us with the ashes from palm leaves.  

By kazuya ronald newman